
Our leadership and operations are rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing and being. IYMP is an evidence-based model measuring wholistic health, social, and community impacts while also maintaining cultural sensitivity by supporting communities to create their own programs that suit their unique local cultural contexts. As a result, we have a unique community-based, collaborative operating model and leadership structure.

IYMP is led by a Leadership Circle composed of academic and social sector leaders. In consultation with the Youth Advisory Circle , and the Elder Advisory Circle the leadership circle directs the strategy, implementation, and research of IYMP.

Gathering at Frontier Lodge, December 2022

The National Director develops and maintains relationships alongside Indigenous communities and coordinates national, regional and local networks of support for program communities. 

Working in partnership with High School Mentors, Community Champions , and Program Leaders, Regional Coordinators and Managers provide training, funding, and support for Indigenous youth to develop and implement unique mentoring programs in Indigenous communities according to their unique local contexts.

Youth Mentor training in Kananaskis Dec 2022

IYMP leadership and operations is anchored by one shared philosophy and goal: “Mino-bimaadiziwin/Miyo-pimatisiwin.”

“Mino-bimaadiziwin/Miyo-pimatisiwin” is a traditional Algonquian philosophy of (w)holisitc health that roughly translates to “living the good life” 

To “live the good life” means to have and maintain strong connections to community, land, traditions, spirituality, and physical and mental wellbeing, and to honour the seven generations before you, your community around you, and empower the seven generations behind you.

IYMP Organizational Structure


Elementary School Mentors

Mentored by the High School Mentors and Program Leaders. Participate in day-to-day programming.

High School Mentors

Mentor the Elementary School mentors and work with Program leaders to run the program.

Program Leader

Run day-to-day programming, and collaborate with Regional Coordinators.

Community Champion

Liaison between the school and the Program Leader, working directly with Regional Coordinators.

Regional Coordinators

Regionally support communities and directly report to the National Director. Oversee Program Leader and High School Mentor training, programming support, and identification of resource gaps.

Program Operations

Community Champions

Regional Coordinators

Regional Manager

Oversee the personnel and administration of IYMP in their region.

National Director

Engage between Regional Coordinators and Leadership Circle. Ensure Regional Managers, Regional Coordinators and communities have the resources they need.

Leadership Circle

Consult with core advisors, national elders and youth advisory circle to make decisions, and build relationships with boards and funders.


Youth Advisory Circle

In-community representatives who collaborate with IYMP leadership. Provide guidance on training and resource needs of mentors and mentees.

Elder Advisory Circle

Offer guidance, support and teachings through ceremony and prayer and advise on personal, professional and organizational matters.

Leadership Circle