Leadership Circle

The leadership circle is composed of individuals who have represented their community and have worked or partnered with IYMP as it continues to transition from a university-community partnership and research program into an Indigenous-led national charity organization.

Teena Starlight

National Director


Dzinisi guja (good day) sizi Tsuut'ina Nishina Tsi'ka at'a (I am Tsuut'ina Cree Woman). I am from Tsuut'ina Nation. My hobbies include fishing, hunting, beading and sewing. I love to be out in nature to learn and explore the waters, the mountains,…


Teena Starlight

National Director


Dzinisi guja (good day) sizi Tsuut'ina Nishina Tsi'ka at'a (I am Tsuut'ina Cree Woman). I am from Tsuut'ina Nation. My hobbies include fishing, hunting, beading and sewing. I love to be out in nature to learn and explore the waters, the mountains, the land, and animals.

Who Do You Stay Healthy For?

My grandchildren, I want to be around as long as I can for them.


Heather McRae

Taanishi, my name is Heather McRae and I am a Métis woman with French and Scottish ancestry. I grew up in Marquette, Manitoba and currently live in Winnipeg. I am an aspiring gardener with dreams of one day growing plants past the…


Heather McRae

Taanishi, my name is Heather McRae and I am a Métis woman with French and Scottish ancestry. I grew up in Marquette, Manitoba and currently live in Winnipeg. I am an aspiring gardener with dreams of one day growing plants past the seedling stage. Every morning, my cats Willow and Pixel take me for walks and introduce me to the joys of stalking insects, chasing falling leaves, and staring into space for long periods of time. I love being silly and hanging out with IYMP youth mentors and staff.

Who Do You Stay Healthy For?

My biological, chosen and IYMP family and friends.


Kate Storey


Hello, I’m Kate Storey! While originally from the Midwestern United States, I’ve proudly called amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) home since 2002. Currently, I am a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta, leading the research program SIRCLE. Our focus…


Kate Storey


Hello, I’m Kate Storey! While originally from the Midwestern United States, I’ve proudly called amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) home since 2002. Currently, I am a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta, leading the research program SIRCLE. Our focus is on cultivating a culture of wellness for children, families and communities. On a personal note, I have a profound love for music, dance and the arts, shaped by my upbringing as the granddaughter of two artists and the daughter of a dancer. Additionally, I am a passionate runner and cyclist, often accompanied by my two young children who share my joy for adventure, travel and being active.

Who do you stay healthy for?

Caroline & Philly


Brian Torrance


Brian Torrance loves his job as Executive Director of Ever Active Schools, where he gets to work communities, school health partners and any and all groups focussed on wellness. Brian volunteers with the Edmonton Marathon, participates on the ParticipACTION Advisory Committee, and…


Brian Torrance


Brian Torrance loves his job as Executive Director of Ever Active Schools, where he gets to work communities, school health partners and any and all groups focussed on wellness. Brian volunteers with the Edmonton Marathon, participates on the ParticipACTION Advisory Committee, and chairs a provincial initiative called Active Alberta which brings sport, physical activity and recreation leaders together for a healthier Alberta. Brian enjoyed his time being the Community Engagement lead for the 2030 Commonwealth Games bid and is a sessional instructor at Concordia University. When not at work, Brian enjoys trying to make his two young daughters laugh with bad jokes, and watching them grow and flourish in whatever activities they choose.

Who Do You Stay Healthy For?

Lendel and Tregan.